Jenny Bair, MHE, The Inner Organizer, has 20+ years of teaching, speaking, coaching, consulting, organizing, motivating, and encouraging others to make their desired changes from the inside-out. It is Jenny’s goal to help individuals, couples, families and companies find more laughter, joy and contentment, more efficiency and less chaos. She encourages people to take A-C-T-I-O-N to get the results they dream of and create the life they truly want to live. She often referred to as the Life Un-sticker.
Do you desire to dig to go deeper in life? Tired of repeating the same thoughts every day with no new results?
Want to feel more connected to yourself and learn tools to do life to YOUR life in a way that makes sense to YOU?
Then, learn the 7 key values for Trusting Yourself to Heal & Create Something NEW
Ignite Your Life! – Most challenges, stuckness, idleness and procrastination can be linked to a spiritual root of the problem; I’m not talking about religion people but beyond that. Explore to get to the root of the problems in your life and then make an action plan to live the life you want to live. We will explore your un-serving thoughts and actions, how to overcome those barriers, how to get in your zone of contentment, developing your spiritual practice, fun ways to reduce stress and find time for you every day. These seven hours will get you unstuck and moving forward with zest, enthusiasm, hope and laughter with usable tools and techniques. This package is for individuals. Julie Martin and Jenny Bair do offer a package for couples called Ignite Your Marriage. (for $2100.00)
These seven one hour sessions $779.00 for individuals
Trying to navigate a diet with allergies?
Living Gluten Free – not that easy is it?
Well, get the one on one help that you need to convert your lifestyle to live FULLY, not with the “without” mentality. Jenny understands the challenges that you may face with the gluten and other allergies as she is a Celiac and specializes in lifestyle changes. This is a three session package to help you get on and stay on track and live to your fullest in every area of your life.
Three coaching sessions for $350.00.
For those trying to build their business brand, increase sales, play better on their team then business coaching might be for you:
Check out one of Jenny’s inspiring business minds
Do you have a purple cow in your business?
Get Your Business Groove Back to find that Purple Cow
– in three powerful sessions to help you increase sales, get your systems working, and solidifying your sales process. This will be 7.5 hours of intense coaching to help you create a solid plan with a reasonable steps to make it happen! You will also find ways to stay accountable to your plan of
This is a three session series – $750.00.
Do you and your partner see eye to eye regularly?
In Your Eyes Couple’s Mission Sessions –
It begins and ends with you parents; you are your kids’ biggest role models. The way to get your family living in more harmony and less chaos is to get on the same page with your partner about Date Night, family time, chore delegations, expectations of how everyone interacts, family mission, the basics. The basics lead to harmony or disharmony. This coaching package is ideal for couples who want to change the scene in their household with children or kid free. Three sessions, 4.5 hours for $550.00.
This can change your family for the future and their families too.