Heart Health

Fracture Proof Your Bones

What’s the Number One Risk to Your Health?

Did you know that cardiovascular disease is actually the leading cause of death for women in the United States? It’s a serious issue that we need to address, especially considering the statistics that show women are more likely to die from a heart attack than men. Today, we’re unpacking why women are more susceptible to […]

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Loving Your Heart the Functional Medicine Way

Hey there, health enthusiasts! February is not just about exchanging heart-shaped candies and stunning roses; it’s also American Heart Month—a time to turn the spotlight on our heart’s health and show it some love the functional medicine way. At Living Well Dallas, we’re all about embracing health from the inside out, and we’ve got some

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And First Prize Goes To…

By Betty Murray It’s important to eat a healthy diet every day, but there are some foods—called “superfoods”—that provide even more nutrients and health benefits. It you want to look great and feel great, here are seven superfoods you should eat every day: Water. Your body needs water to live. Period. You cannot expect your body

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Wellness at Work: How to Stay Fit with a Desk Job

By Betty MurrayThe more time you spend sitting, the greater your risk of developing heart disease and diabetes. A sedentary lifestyle leads to weight gain, increase in blood sugar, and poor cholesterol. This isn’t good news for those of us who have desk jobs. No matter how dedicated you are to your job, your health and

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Love Your Heart: 7 Tips to Reduce Your Risk of Heart Diesase

By Betty Murray Heart disease is the number one cause of death in the United States, and the leading cause of death for people of most racial/ethnic groups. Cardiovascular diseases claim more lives than all forms of cancer combined, and coronary heart disease (the most common form of heart disease) kills nearly 380,000 people annually. It’s

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Good Sleep is Essential for a Healthy Heart

By Betty Murray Want to have a healthy heart? Sleep. Regular exercise, a healthy diet, limited alcohol consumption and not smoking are four keys to a healthy heart. But there is mounting evidence that getting enough sleep boosts the benefits of a heart-healthy lifestyle. Researchers from the Netherlands published their findings from a study about sleep

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Reduce Stress with HeartMath Heart-Focused Breathing

By Betty Murray When the stress and anxiety sets in, how do you cope? Exercise, food, alcohol, sleep, meditation — all of these are common coping mechanisms for stress. Many of these are not however healthy methods of coping with stress. If you turn to food or alcohol to reduce stress, you are setting yourself up

Reduce Stress with HeartMath Heart-Focused Breathing Read More »

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