weekly recipe by jenny bair author of what the fodmap 627a7e1cb317c

Weekly Recipe by Jenny Bair, author of “What the FODMAP?”

by Jenny Bair, MHE, The Passioneer of Purpose

author of “What the FODMAP?” Cookbook

Get your ingredients prepped before you start: it happens fast!!!

1st set of ingredients:

Melt in a saucepan 4 T. butter, ghee or FODMAP butter type spread


1 pouch of Gerber Granduates Grabbers (Flavor Banana Blueberry from Target)

1t. of gf cinnamon

3/4-1t. of Pentzeys Baking Spice or McCormick Apple Pie Spice

couple small shakes of cayenne

1 cup of Glycol marshmallows (if FODMAP – get at Whole Foods or Sprouts)


Stir on low to medium heat; you don’t want to burn so better to be lower heat.

Then, when that mixture is melted. Break 4-4 1/2 of gf brown rice cakes into small pieces into the pot and 1 cup of (Popcorn Indiana Movie Theater Popcorn) or do 6 rice cakes if you can’t have corn

Then, stir all this together above.

2nd ingredient list:

Now, stir in 4 cut fresh strawberries, 

1 Bakers unsweetened baking chocolate square roughly chopped into fine pieces or chunks

1 cup fresh blueberries

Optional Ingredient: for the 1st ingredient list:

You can add 1 tablespoon of macademia or brazil nut butter 

Stir second batch of ingredients together and put into an 8 x 8 pan.

Let chill in fridge for about 30-45 minutes then bring out and cut into squares.

Since, there is real fruit. It is best to keep refrigerated or in your cooled lunchbox.

Enjoy! They don’t last long around my house and the office.

If you are having challenges or are stuck in your current eating/exercising plan than please don’t hesitate to get a nutritionist or a coach to help you get unstuck and move forward with better health in all realms.  To contact Jenny for coaching or speaking, you can call the office at 972-930-0260.

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