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My Helpful Healing Touch

Family Energy Class: My Helpful Healing Touch

Two people, Two hours, HALF the price of a regular session.

JOIN US: $47

My Helpful Healing Touch

Saturday March 24, 2012 – 2-4pm
Sunday June 10, 2012 – 2-4pm
Sunday September 23, 2012 – 2-4pm

My Helpful Healing Touch emphasizes the belief that all people are capable of learning and using healing energy for their own self-care and self-comfort as well as for assisting others.

Your 2-member team (one youth plus one adult) What you will learn in your Helpful Healing Touch Class: Basic energy concepts in a simple and enjoyable format

  • How to use healing energy for wellness and self care How to balance emotions through the use of breath
  • How to elicit an internal sense of peace and calm Meditation for self care How to use the human biofield as a protective shield How to boost self-esteem and confidence How to use the universal life force energy for comfort and caring
  • How to send healing energy to pets and others
  • You will discover and practice 12 simple tools to use in daily life.

The book, My Helpful Healing Touch: A Guide for Empowering Children is included. Additional exercises and reminders can be completed at home. Suggested ages are 6-12 years accompanied by an adult.

What is My Helpful Healing Touch?
Healing Touch is a fast, effective, fun and affordable approach to health and healing. The goal is to restore harmony and balance to the human biofield (energy system) through a heart-centered caring use of touch. This can greatly assist the body in its natural ability to learn, grow and heal. For more information about Healing Touch visit

To Register call 972-930-0260 or visit us online:

Bethlyn Gerard has successfully earned the title HTCP by completing the requirements and receiving Certification from the Healing Touch Program.  Already an established practitioner, Bethlyn joins 4,000 Energy Medicine Specialists worldwide holding this professional distinction.

The Healing Touch Program was created by Janet Mentgen, RN in the 1980’s. Janet was named Nurse of the Year for this work in 1988 by the American Holistic Nurses Association . HTP is the only Energy Medicine program recognized by the American Nurses Credentialing Center – the same group responsible for the Magnet Recognition for nursing excellence. Currently HTP is taught in 32 countries. Practitioners passing all 5 levels of coursework must fulfill a rigorous year-long mentorship including 100 documented cases, a formal thesis case study and reports defining how the practitioner operates in accordance with the Code of Ethics and Scope of Practice.


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Please include non-medical correspondence only.

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Office Hours

Mon - Thu: 8:30 AM - 5:00 PM
Fri: 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM

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